Only the owner or persons representing the original source of the image/video are permitted to upload content to Makedo. By uploading you are declaring that you are responsible and have full permission to upload the image/video, and have not appropriated the content from another source.
Makedo is granted full rights to use the images/video and any adaptations or reproductions of the uploaded content for the purpose of providing inspiration to the creative community of global Makedo makers.
This expressed permission might include (but is not limited to) the right to use the images/video in social media, Makedo subscriber newsletters, online publicity and printed material.
Uploading images/video of children or minors:
By selecting to agree to these terms, you are granting consent on behalf of any children appearing in images/video to be published in the public domain. It is recommended that permission is sought and there is an informed consent from the child prior to the recording of images/video.
Content uploaded to Makedo is required to be respectful and suitably themed for viewing by both children and adults in the broader Makedo community. Any images/video that Makedo considers to be indecent, harmful, offensive or demeaning to any person will be rejected.
In order to further protect the privacy and safety of children and young people online, Makedo may reject images/video containing names or other personal details, and personal contact information or items that identify a specific location.
Further information and advice can be obtained from the Australian Government Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner.